SMCCCD Chancellor Releases First Community Statement Highlighting Focus on Transparency and Accountability 

San Mateo, CA  – Chancellor Melissa Moreno today released a statement addressing a board-approved strategy to explore ways to tackle the San Mateo County Community College District’s (SMCCCD) long-term fiscal needs, including significant investments in campus infrastructure and maintenance over the next decade. The Chancellor plans to periodically release statements to the community as part of a new communications plan, in the spirit of fostering greater communication, transparency, and accountability. 

“As Chancellor, I am committed to ensuring that SMCCCD remains a beacon of opportunity for all residents of San Mateo County,” said Chancellor Moreno. “This enhanced communications plan represents our commitment to meeting the evolving needs of our students, the district, and the community with improved oversight and transparency.” 

The key elements of the Chancellor’s first statement about a long-term fiscal planning strategy include: 

  • Identification of Long-Term Fiscal Needs: $595 million in long-term capital improvement needs and $223 million in scheduled maintenance requirements over the next ten years. 
  • Enhanced Transparency and Accountability: The SMCCCD has established an internal performance audit unit and is adopting rigorous internal controls, becoming the first California community college district to adhere to federal “Green Book” standards. 
  • Exploring All Funding Options: The District is actively exploring a range of funding options, prioritizing private financing over public options. 

“Public financing will only be considered as a last resort and after thorough exploration of all alternatives,” emphasized Chancellor Moreno. “If such a step becomes necessary, we are committed to a transparent process with extensive community involvement.” 

The District’s Chancellor will continue to provide regular updates to the community on its fiscal planning progress.  Read Chancellor Moreno’s complete statement.

Media Contact: David McLain, Community & Government Relations, SMCCCD, (650) 730-8049 or  

About San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD): SMCCCD operates three colleges, Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College, that provide community college educational services to the residents of San Mateo County. The District’s colleges serve over 30,000 students annually and offer the first two years of college-level instruction in various transfer and career-technical programs. The District is governed by a six-member Board of Trustees, with five voting members elected by voters from designated areas of the County and one nonvoting student member elected by students. For more information, see: