SMCCCD Measure H Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Releases 2023-24 Annual Report 

Committee concludes that bond proceeds have been spent in compliance with the law. 

San Mateo, CA – At the January 29th Board of Trustees meeting, the Measure H Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) presented its 2023-24 Annual Report to inform the community about how taxpayer-supported bond funds were spent over the past year by the San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD). Former CBOC Chairperson Anne Campbell presented the report to the SMCCCD Board of Trustees outlining that the oversight committee determined that Measure H bond proceeds have been appropriately spent during the year. She said the district’s annual Measure H financial and performance audits found that the district is in compliance with California law. 

“On behalf of the district, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the Measure H Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for their unwavering commitment to holding us accountable with an emphasis on transparency. During this year of review, our District teams participated in every meeting to present and provide answers to all of the committee’s questions. This annual report reflects their dedication to safeguarding the best interests of our students, employees, and community,” said SMCCCD Chancellor Melissa Moreno. 

Completed projects funded by Measure H range from classroom renovations and upgraded infrastructure for utilities and technology to roof replacement and project development for the installation of photovoltaic arrays for electricity generation. The new Math, Science & Technology Building 23 at Cañada College and the rehabilitation of the Center for Emerging Technology Building 19 at College of San Mateo were recently completed using Measure H funds. 

The CBOC meets quarterly to review the use of Measure H funds and monitor progress. The committee is made up of community representatives appointed by the district’s Board of Trustees. 

The current members of the oversight committee are Christopher Robell of Redwood City, taxpayers’ association representative; Bart Pantoja of Foster City, business community representative; John Hoffman of San Carlos, senior citizens’ organization representative; Maxine Terner of San Mateo, community member representative; Edward Evans of San Mateo, community member representative; and Eloisa Briones of San Bruno, community member representative. Member bios can be viewed on the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee member webpage

Community members interested in learning more about the Measure H Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee can visit the committee webpage, attend committee meetings in person or through Zoom, or consider applying to join the committee.

Media Contact: David McLain, Community & Government Relations, SMCCCD, (650) 730-8049 or 

About San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD): SMCCCD operates three colleges, Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College, that provide community college educational services to the residents of San Mateo County. The District’s colleges serve over 30,000 students annually and offer the first two years of college-level instruction in various transfer and career-technical programs. The District is governed by a six-member Board of Trustees, with five voting members elected by voters from designated areas of the County and one nonvoting student member elected by students. For more information, see: