Students: Let us know what your student housing needs are!

Dear Cañada, CSM and Skyline Students,

San Mateo County Community College (SMCCCD) has partnered with The Scion Group, a national consulting services firm specializing in college housing, to determine interest and demand for student housing.  This survey is an essential aspect of this process – your feedback matters! 

As part of our analysis, Scion created a survey designed to gain your feedback on housing, including floor plans, rates and amenities.  Please take the survey here.   

This survey is confidential, and responses will be analyzed and reported such that the identity of survey respondents is protected. You must be a current student at College of San Mateo, Cañada College or Skyline College to take the survey and, of course, taking it is voluntary.  

Most individuals complete the survey in less than 15 minutes. Take the survey here.

To show our appreciation for you taking the time to complete the survey, respondents will be entered in a drawing to receive a $250 gift card to the campus bookstore.  Three gift cards will be awarded.

Thank you for completing this short survey and sharing your comments with us, even if you do not anticipate taking advantage of such opportunities. Your feedback matters!


Mitchell Bailey
Vice Chancellor/Chief of Staff
Office of the Chancellor
San Mateo County Community College District